Definition: Virtual tummy tuck is a computer simulation of an abdominoplasty result.
A tummy tuck, desirable as it might be, is still major surgery, not something to rush into. You may need encouragement to go through with it, visual stimulation to give you the courage to pursue your goal of a flat stomach. This is not a procedure to have done during your lunch hour, and considerable recovery time is involved, not to mention the cost of a surgeon and aftercare.
Cosmetic reasons aside, excess abdominal fat is unhealthy, and you may have grounds for considering the surgery which have nothing to do with appearance. The procedure may even be necessary for the well being of your body and mind. But still, you wonder if a flat stomach will go with the rest of you! What if it looks weird?
Or perhaps you are considering if, while you are having a tummy tuck, you shouldn't just go ahead and get other parts of your body re-sculpted as well. After all, one major procedure is easier to undergo and heal from than numerous smaller ones! But is it worth it? Body re-sculpting is not cheap and you will want to feel certain before making a decision.
With our Virtual plastic surgery software you will have an opportunity to create before and after photos in advance of a surgery. You can share these photos with your surgeon and, together, come to a clear agreement about what is to be done and how it will look, tweaking the images if necessary and creating a guide to the best and most realistic possible results.
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